Making gourmet choices
in every area of your life…
Release Stress and Anxiety
Heal Lifelong Emotional Trauma
Reverse a Physical or Emotional Condition
Do you want to dissolve the fear around ageing and be the best you can be at any age?
What if you could find and maintain your natural weight easily?
How much younger would you look with a radiant complexion and firmer skin?
Do you want to rediscover your sensuality?
What would it mean to you to increase your sexual energy?
Do you know how to naturally balance your hormones?
What kind of nutrition does it take to strengthen your eyesight?

A profound healing journey to restore full and healthy equilibrium involves making several decisions, along with a commitment to new actions and protocols. We all deserve to develop as humans and to evolve into the most authentic version of ourselves.
For many years Chrissy White has been working with very powerful healing techniques to bring harmony to the body and mind. Drawing on ancient, natural healing that works outside of conventional attitudes and making them highly relevant to real-life now.
There are many strands to the healing she offers, each one a place on the path of complete restorative healing.

The Vibrant Living Store
Chrissy has put together a range of endorsed products that can help your overall wellbeing and support your journey to complete vibrant health.
Shop here…

Sixty Minute Healing Consultation
Chrissys work is dedicated to creating the best natural environment within the body so that the body’s own powerful healing process is activated and supported in every way.
Learn more…
“My only regret is that I didn’t have the sessions with Chrissy sooner. I now have an appetite for life that has been missing for many years. Friends comment that I look younger and I certainly feel much more energised. is is amazing and really powerful. My extreme stress and high anxiety have melted away, this beats months of therapy!”
“Prior to meeting Chrissy I had been struggling for several years with past trauma. After several hours working with her in healing, I felt like I had released something hugely significant in my life. Her calmness and warm voice helped me through a very painful release and I have felt much lighter since our session together. She is there at the end of the phone should I need her as things inevitably crop up as time moves forward. I am following her meditation daily which I find extremely calming and energising at the same time.”
“This woman will change your life for the better. I donʼt know how she does it”
“My personal re-tuning session with Chrissy was absolutely fabulous! Her calm, wise and intuitive approach is extremely powerful and after just one session I felt calm, grounded and carefree … It was as if she re-balanced me energetically. You must try it!”
“Within 2.5 hours I experienced the same level of DEEP rejuvenation as I would have done after a 4-day retreat at Shrubland Hall.”
“After the first session, I floated home feeling as though Iʼd had two blissful weeks holiday!”
“Thank you for the session. I found the experience life-changing and spiritual. I felt so relaxed after the treatment that I cancelled all of my meetings that evening. It is one of the most positive experiences I have ever had.”